An Invitation from Thanissara & Kittisaro




It's clear that the fossil fuel industry is at war against life on our planet. The most powerful governments in the world, including the U.S. government, are not doing enough to stop the fossil fuel industry, transition to renewable sources of energy, and protect the land and water. 

Recently, the UN IPCC Report stated that "it's now or never." And that we've arrived at "nothing less than a code red for humanity," which must "sound a death knell for coal and fossil fuels before they destroy our planet." 

In response, Sacred Mountain Sangha (SMS) launched Peoples Alliance for Earth Action Now (PAEAN). PAEAN is a spiritually based climate justice organization aimed at building a resilient and collaborative community comprised of small local climate groups working together within a global network. We envision that each small group will undertake climate justice actions including:

  • Fundraising/advocacy for effective climate justice organizations.
  • Agitating at governance and media levels.
  • Exploring & engaging in nonviolent direct action. 
  • Holding practice/emotional support spaces for activists and those on the front-lines.

PAEAN will hold regular talks and check-ins hosted by Thanissara and other spiritual teachers. We will also feature speakers on plant-based diets, climate justice, nonviolent direct action, and how individuals and communities can adapt and build resilience in the face of climate and ecological breakdown.

PAEAN is open to all who agree with our values. We look forward to working together to build a healthy and safe world for ourselves, future generations, and all forms of life on this beautiful Earth. Learn more about Sacred Mountain Sangha and PAEAN.

by Thanissara 

Even though hope for the future hangs by fraying threads,
there is enormous potential in our ability to organize
as Dharma practitioners and as citizens.
Amid a world on fire, we have the skills to balance between hope and nihilism.
This is not only a mindful practice but a heartful one.
These are times when our hearts must lead.
What do we truly love and can we commit to activism as a feat of love itself?

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